Organic Way LLC

Licorice (Cut & Sifted)


Licorice Cut & Sifted originates from a perennial herb native to southern Europe and parts of Asia. A sweet flavor can be extracted from the plant. As a result, you can use licorice in candies and sweets. This herb is approximately about 30-50 times sweeter than sugar and sucrose. In spite of its extreme sweetness, Licorice won’t damage your teeth. The roots of this herb are also great if you’re looking to prepare herbal tea. A sip of Licorice tea can kill sugar cravings and is ideal for weight management.

Licorice tea is a popular herbal tea made from the root of the licorice plant (Glycyrrhiza glabra). The root of the licorice plant has a naturally sweet flavor, which makes it a common choice for herbal teas, as it can add sweetness without the need for sugar or other sweeteners.

Organic Way sources its certified organic Licorice Cut & Sifted direct from small-scale farm co-ops in India. If you like this herb’s unique flavor, you may also enjoy our organic Stevia Leaf Cut & Sifted.

Our cut and sifted licorice root means that the herb is not sold in whole form, but rather "cut" into smaller pieces and then "sifted" to remove the small pieces and dust that result from the cutting process.



Rich in antioxidants known as flavonoids, this herb promotes healthy circulation and reduces inflammation, thus helping to relieve tissue damage. Applying Licorice on the skin can also improve symptoms of eczema.

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